Financial support

You are welcome to make a donation or become a member of the aid association. On request, we are happy to send you a copy of the articles and a membership application (contact)

The Frauenhaus is financially supported by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the city of Essen. This by no means covers the cost of our work. We therefore appreciate every donation. The aid association is non-profitmaking. Your donation is tax-deductible.


Förderverein Frauen helfen Frauen Essen e.V.
Zweigertstr. 29, 45130 Essen

Bank für Sozialwirtschaft AG
IBAN: DE59 3702 0500 0008 2819 00
Stichwort: Frauenhaus Essen

What happens to your donation?

You can specify the purpose of your donation. We urgently need donations for:

  • Activities for children’s group
  • Support for women who are not entitled to benefits
  • Short stays for women and children
  • Basic requirements for provisional accommodation
  • Repairs and replacement of household goods
  • Renovations and repairs in the house
  • Information of affected women through the public domain (through Internet, brochures)