Nationwide help line and online counselling for women affected by violence

Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Autonomer Frauenhäuser in NRW (state association of autonomous women’s shelters in North Rhine-Westphalia)

Zentrale Informationsstelle Autonomer Frauenhäuser (central information office of the autonomous women’s shelters)

Bundesverband der Frauenberatungsstellen (federal association of women’s advice centres)

Frauenhauskoordinierung e.V. (coordination of women’s shelters)

Gleichstellungsstelle Essen und Essener Frauenbündnis (equality office Essen and Essen women’s alliance)

Internet portal for women provided by the Ministry for Generations, Family, Women and Integration of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia

You are welcome to make a donation or become a member of the aid association. On request, we are happy to send you a copy of the articles and a membership application (contact)

The Frauenhaus is financially supported by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the city of Essen. This by no means covers the cost of our work. We therefore appreciate every donation. The aid association is non-profitmaking. Your donation is tax-deductible.


Förderverein Frauen helfen Frauen Essen e.V.
Zweigertstr. 29, 45130 Essen

Bank für Sozialwirtschaft AG
IBAN: DE59 3702 0500 0008 2819 00
Stichwort: Frauenhaus Essen

What happens to your donation?

You can specify the purpose of your donation. We urgently need donations for:

  • Activities for children’s group
  • Support for women who are not entitled to benefits
  • Short stays for women and children
  • Basic requirements for provisional accommodation
  • Repairs and replacement of household goods
  • Renovations and repairs in the house
  • Information of affected women through the public domain (through Internet, brochures)